Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Missing Home

I'm posting a few shots I took right before leaving home last August. It's my usual Cozy Cabin + Crazy Cat combo that I'm missing.

Definitely the coolest cat (with apologies to the fine felines of Hollybank Terrace.)


simmers said...

I saw Salix about a week ago. I gave him a few little pats on his rump.
He meowed and pretended not to like it. Such a cat. He still loves hanging out in front of the fire. He looks like he's gained a few ounces in the last few months...perhaps his winter layer that's not really needed this winter.

Albinoblackbear said...

Did you sort of spank his rump Simmers? I remember losing beer out my nose the first time we saw how much he liked it! ahahahha

Seems we were both homesick at the same time Vern. :)