Thursday, October 22, 2009


Home from the hospital with a bag of drugs.

I still have a bit of a rash on my neck and right arm, but overall it is waaaaaay better. The doctors took some swabs of my oozing rash, but for some reason they were unable to grow anything from them, so they're still not sure what I had. It was probably impetigo, but it's not certain. It seems I've acquired a knack for getting hard-to-diagnose weird diseases. So far on my list: malaria in 1996, west nile in 2003 and giardia this past summer - none of which were ever confirmed.



Woollen Knickers said...

NN-Glad to see you are on the up and up.

Ryan said...

My god! You guys are like a catalog of communicable diseases!
Glad to see you're better.