Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I woke up Wednesday morning with an itchy eye-lid and by that evening I had a couple more red itchy patches on my chin. I dropped into the local clinic and was diagnosed with impetigo and given some oral antibiotics for it. By Saturday morning, I looked like this:

I sent Dr.-to-be Sullivan this photo and got some pretty strict instructions to get myself into a hospital and hooked up to some IV antibiotics pronto. I've been in the infectious diseases unit since Sunday night now and I am writing this while hooked up to said magical IV antibiotics. The swelling is gone, the itching is going and the oozing is under control. I only wish I wasn't missing so much school.


Ryan said...

HOLY COW! That is scary. Glad to hear you're recovering. Now I'm going to wash my hands.

Mike said...

Holy jumping impetigo!!

and I thought my poison ivy rash was good looking...

hang in there, kiddo.

gq said...

Holy crap Vern. That is intense. I'm glad you are okay. Hope things are well otherwise on the other side of the pond.

matosan said...

ouch! I hope things clear up really quickly vern, that looks painful!

rtholmes said...

When you do it Verena, you sure do do it right! I hope it's all clearing up now!

Anna said...

Oh Vern, ouch! Take care and hope you are feeling much much better. Good load of drugs, wow. Luc and Max say hi. Looks like Scotland is really fun. Say hi to James and thanks for the Orphan Ale Brew.


Anonymous said...


I don't know if you recall.... but I had a wierd eye infection that I got just as we were returning from the Charlotte's. It started in much the same way yours did. Leaky eye, that I thought was pink eye, but no green goo, and then it spread into a facial rash, with some little postules. At first they thought it was some sort of shingles, except that both eyes were infected. We treated with a eye antibiotic and then a facial antibiotic. It cured after 10 days... but just barely. I wa sure it was going to come back... but didn't.

Hope everything else is well!!!

Albinoblackbear said...

So so so glad you are on the mend...

DTB Sullivan ;)

P.S Heh..my word verification is 'sings'!

Nature Nerd said...

Done the antibiotics now, which hopefully means the secondary rash that I have that is probably an allergic reaction to the antibiotics will go away. Woot! No more drugs.