Friday, August 29, 2008

Biking Adventures

Mountain biking has taken Revelstoke by storm and suddenly everyone we know seems to have a sexy bouncy bike. J and I are no exception, the two closest bikes in this photo are ours. Bob and Helga, our old townie bikes, are a bit jealous at all the fun adventures the new bikes get to go on.

Taking a break up at Keystone-Standard basin - an amazing alpine ride in the wildflowers.

marsh marigold

Pink monkey flower and pollinators

Brown Steed and Blue Forest taking a break on the old railway trails near New Denver.

James walking on the old rail line which went around some impressive bluffs.

An old mining shaft.

Some guy in the ghost town of Silverton collects old electrical buses from all across Canada. It was definitely not something we expected to find in Silverton, but I kind of liked the old buses.

James going for a ride.

Crazy bus driver.

And on to Kal Park for some smoooooth, fast, fun riding.

One of the rare moments were James manages to get the camera out of my hands.


Albinoblackbear said...

OKay you are almost as bad as John now with the updates Vern...

Surely there are wood splitting photos or something you can entertain us with!!


RSwood said...

Random blog comment: Just had another dose of your green tomatoe chutney. Mmmmm. Got some samosas at the Edmonton market, and no sauce, but there was the chutney to solve the problem. mmm.