Friday, August 1, 2008

Murtle Lake Honeymoon

James and I unexpectedly ended up at Murtle Lake in Wells Gray Provincial Park two days after our wedding. It was kind of like a honeymoon, but with company.

Antony and Jan

Andy and Teresa. We were all hanging out on the lake post dinner to avoid the vicious mosquitoes.

The interior temperate rain forest.

Red columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)

A trail took us right from our first campsite into the alpine. What a treat for a canoe trip!

James in his element

Team honeymoon on an unnamed summit

Wavy ridge

Anemone (when this flower fruits it turns into a hippy head/ truffula tree)

rain and sun


Unknown said...

These pictures are gorgeous! My friends and I are driving up to Murtle Lake next week (from California). What temperatures can we be expecting? Are the mosquitoes really that bad? Which trail led you up to the snow? After seeing this, I'm even more excited about our trip!

Nature Nerd said...

Hi Andrew,

You guys are going to have a great trip!

The temperatures could be anything from what we're getting right now (around 30 Celcius) or it could get wet and a bit cooler. I imagine it could easily drop down to 10 celcius overnight. Hopefully this high pressure system stays on and you guys can swim everyday!

The bugs are pretty bad, but they are much worse at certain campsites. Sites #20, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 all have standing water nearby and were really buggy. Sites 10, 11 and 12 were better, but still bring your bug dope. I don't know about the rest.

The trail we took up to the alpine leaves just north of campsite #20. It's really well maintained and it took us about 2 hours to get up to the alpine and then we wandered along the ridge to a summit. It's fantastic and well worth 2 nights at a buggy campsite!

The campsite #'s I'm referring to come from this map:

Have a great trip!

~Nature Nerd

Nature Nerd said...

Oh and I'm sure all the snow will be gone from the alpine by the time you get there. The alpine lakes should be swimmable - yahoo!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for your help! Can't say I'm looking forward to the drive, but by your pictures, it looks like it'll be a small price to pay!

Albinoblackbear said...

I love the sunset reminds me of the covers on 1970's coil ringed photo albums. You know the ones.

Great shots. As always.