Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spring Blooms

These lovely spring beers (Cerevisia veris) emerged out of our snow piles here at the Cozy Cabin. I'm pretty sure they were planted on a snowy Robbie Burns night.

I first noticed them when I got back from the Bonningtons. They seem to be a short-lived bloom as they are all gone already.

And here's the token macro shot.


Albinoblackbear said...

I was waiting for the macro shot--thank you for not letting me down! hahha
Funny, we had an early crop of Pinotis Grigiois near our front step this spring...I just wish I had planted some reds!

Nature Nerd said...

I wish I had planted some Crannog Ale kegs! And maybe some Uni-brous too... maybe next winter I'll be more on top of my gardening.