Saturday, August 17, 2013

In the Garden

Cozy Cabin and our lovely garden.



 Court jester


 The zucchinis started out with some promised, but they have become rather high maintenance. In past years I've stuck two plants in the ground, and then struggled to keep up with the zuke output. This year they turned yellow and demanded more nitrogen. Then got covered in white powder mold which has now spread to my cucumbers and butternut squash. The flowers don't seem to be opening and so they aren't getting fertilized unless I pry them open and put pollen right onto the pistil. Unpollinated zukes grow for a few inches and then wither and die. I guess it's just not a zucchini year.

 The chard was hidden between the garlic and potatoes. Now that I've harvested both of those tall crops, it is happy as can be.

 Calendula with morning dew.

Dew drops on a nasturtium leaf.

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