Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Snow hits Scotland

After smugly convincing myself that spring had arrived out here, I woke up to some of the white stuff in Edinburgh last week. It was mostly gone by evening, but James got buried in it up in Braemar where he is working. Here are a few of his shots.

Until this year I was convinced that the Scots were exaggerating when they talked about how many deer there were. All I saw was sheep. And then it snowed and all the sheep disappeared and suddenly all these deer arrived...

Huddling like penguins.

I wonder if they take turns breaking trail?

Not too surprisingly, the storm brought a few avalanches with it. It's hard to see in the above shot, but most of this valley ripped out. You can see the crown line where the arrow is and the debris flow at the base. A wee bit bigger than your usual Scottish avalanche.


Deep pit.


curmudgeonlybumbly said...

Woah! That's a frickin lot of deer.

Ryan said...

And a lot of snow. Far more than we have here in this pathetic winter.

Albinoblackbear said...

HOLY CRAP! That is amazing. The snow, the deer!

Great pics.

Missing you guys, as always.