Monday, July 21, 2008


Another thanks to Matt and Dora for putting our wedding slideshow together. It was such a treat to watch and re-watch. Here are some of my favourite shots from the show.

James tried to re-enact this event with the Jeep on our way down to the wedding. Luckily he learns from his mistakes and we didn't end up stuck in the mud with nothing but beer and wedding clothes in the Jeep.

Breathing fire somewhere in boggy Scotland

That's my first cat, Fluffy in the stroller. She was much more tolerant than Salix .

Somehow Salix managed to teleport himself back in time to appear in this family photo from 1995. We never owned a Siamese cat, so I honestly don't know who this cat is.

I fall for nerds.

We were excited because the ski hill hadn't been built yet.

Bog house brewery. Where it all began...

Yes, that is slush that James is breaking through.


Albinoblackbear said...

YaY! I am so glad you posted these as well....ummm...did I mention that I got all misty eyed during the slide show??

Nature Nerd said...

I know, slideshows make me misty too. I love the pics of wee James he is just sooooo cute.