Friday, May 9, 2008

Skaha Lake Tour

James and I circumnavigated Skaha Lake - up the Kettle Valley Railway on the west side of the lake and then along a mellow road on the east side. It definitely made me want to cycle the KVR, or do any bike tour for that matter.

Male cones on a ponderosa pine.

More male cones. James was rather excited about them - these are his macro photos.


Yellow bellied marmot

The balsam root was out in full force. James was very patient as I took photo after photo of them.

Balsam root leaf

A good use for old tires.

And I found some prickly pear cactus


curmudgeonlybumbly said...

I see the trestles across Myra canyon have finally been rebuilt. Perhaps we should cycle the Kettle Valley trail this summer. Looks beautiful.

Albinoblackbear said...

PLANT PORN!! Pretty soon we'll need a credit card number to look at your blog!!!

Albinoblackbear said...

I thought you were calling James a yellow bellied marmot! ahhaha