Thursday, May 29, 2008


Taraxacum officinale

Sphere of Seeds

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with dandelions. A part of me really loves their yellow flower heads and fluffy spherical seed heads. And then another part of me has adopted our north american hatred for them in my lawn. For some reason, even though I think the yellow flowers are beautiful, especially up close, I still get irritated when the mower doesn't manage to cut them down.

Dandelions haven't always been a weed. They were once cultivated by apothecaries for their medicinal uses, their roots and leaves were commonly sold in French markets and the Japanese even had a National Dandelion Society with more than 200 varieties of the flower in pure white, copper, orange and deep black. You can make wine from dandelion flowers as the Celts once did and the flower heads help fruit ripen in orchards by emitting ethylene gas at sunset. Pilgrims and pioneers carefully carried its seeds over from the old world and the flower then quickly spread across North America. It reached the west coast in the 19th century and then suddenly became a weed. Now it gets poisoned, dug up and bad mouthed. We humans seem to have a funny relationship with plants that do as well as we do.


curmudgeonlybumbly said...

I'd never really thought about dandelions before. Weird.
That ethylene gas sure is neat stuff. Read all it's exciting uses in Wikipedia
Who knew that polyethelyne and polythene were the same thing?

Nature Nerd said...

And I've never made a connection between ethylene gas that ripens fruit and plastic. Chemistry sure is cool.

Albinoblackbear said...

Yes chemistry is cool (except when you're doing it for 14h a day!!)--LOL. Ummm...I just got off the phone with John and heard all about the naked-skiing-mud-wrestling beer-shotgunning-shooting-dog-biting stag. I am making an official request for some visual aids on your blog with regard to Man Day (as John called it).

Albinoblackbear said...

Another request for pictures of The Men...c'mon I am stalking your blog in breathless anticipation!!!! :)

Nature Nerd said...

We're going away for a couple of days, so it won't happen till we get back...

I got privy to a few of the vids, Ryan has posted them in some secret spot. We must break the code...

Ryan said...

I don't think you ladies can handle the reality of it: Think guns soaked in male phermones...
I hear you had quite an evening Verena. In fact I think there might be some video footage of that...