Monday, October 22, 2007

A Gift

Gee Salix, Thanks.


Ryan said...

Jesus! I guess Halloween is just around the corner.

gq said...


Anonymous said...

ewwwwww. eww.

Smallpiper said...

That beats anything that our cat ever brought in!

simmers said...

that is the coolest piece of art i've ever seen! the synthetic texture of carpet makes a great backdrop to a primal display of an out-of-body experience. i like what you did with the entrails too...half-hazardly disembowled as opposed to a more traditional clean cut. the angle of the head with the red horn-like protrusion give a sort of goat-like injection of Pan into the scene...going head to head with the invisible portion of the body. it also gives the feeling of the squirrel diving into the underworld, leaving his contaminated worldly baggage at the door while at the same time re-emerging from the opposite a Mobius strip of life and death or heaven and hell.

hats off. well done. I can't wait to see your next piece.

Nature Nerd said...

Vicky - didn't one of your cats get a bunny? Or am I thinking of another cat?

John - I don't even know where to start. I'll tell salix to deliver his art to your carpet from now on. Nice job working Pan into it. I love Pan (but not really on dead squirrel heads).

Ryan said...

My god Simms! If I didn't already know you were a psychopath I'd say you're brilliant! But you're a psychopath.

Albinoblackbear said...

Is that one of our walnuts protruding out of his disemboweled loops of intestine?? Why...I...oughta....
What a cat I say! What a cat. Clearly Salix has recovered from the 'stove incident'.
It looks like a tiny little lung is coming out the back of the squirrels head--see? he was a dysmorphic squirrel anyway, he was bound to die. And of all the posts that you SHOULD have used your macro on...tsk..tsk... =P

curmudgeonlybumbly said...

No that was my cat Solomon. He caught a rabbit once but left it relatively intact. Usually he just caught mice. He had the amazing ability to swallow them whole but somehow spit out the livers. Cats are disgusting.