Monday, September 3, 2007

Balu Bear

I went up to Balu Pass for a hike with some friends a few weeks ago. We noticed a grizzly mom and her two cubs walking towards us on the trail while we were eating lunch. She was about 150 metres away and she wasn't deterred at all by the fact that there were four of us standing up, yelling and waving our hands and hiking poles at her. We moved on and they kept following. We met up with some other hikers and eventually ended up in a group of 12, which made everything much less intimidating.

Here we are all watching mom and her two cubs feeding. We were over a kilometre away at this point and well off the trail where the three bears were hanging out.

Bear poop (note the chapstick next to the poop for scale)

A cool beetle on the bear poop with little spiders or mites clinging on.

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