Monday, September 26, 2011

Something in the water last November...

All of these babies were born at the end of July or early August. This was our final midwife appointment at 6 weeks for Cassia. Group appointments rock! You get to meet all the other moms and babes and compare notes. Clockwise from the baby  in blue are: Olive, Theo, Lila, Siri and Cassia. 

Siri, Cassia and Olive hanging out after baby massage class.

1 comment:

Albinoblackbear said...

That is *such* a great idea--the group appointments! I have never heard of that practice before.

Lots of cute little bambino's around. Wish I could have met Cassia on the other side of your uterus! :) Great photos of her smile.

Miss you guys, xo