Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tadpole - Images from the Pond

Tadpole's foot. Taking after Dad who has size 13s.

I had my 20 week ultrasound this past week. Ultrasounds are pretty damn cool technology. I go from feeling like pregnancy is all about feeling like you have the flu for too many months, to thinking - "holy crap! there's a human in there". Seeing tadpole swim about at 10 weeks and then seeing those big feet kicking, heart beating and brains that looked like "a saucepan full of vegetables" (according to J) at 20 weeks was just downright cool.

The pictures that you get at the end are never as impressive as the moving ultrasound though. Take this image above for example - I'd say tadpole looks like neither of his parents and alarmingly like Voldemort here. Hopefully we think that's cute when the kid comes out.

Here's a yawn - I thought this was pretty cute.

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