Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring! And new things...

We headed to Vernon yesterday to see some grass and enjoy the spring like conditions.

We traded our old Jetta in for a swanky new one while we were down there. The old Jetta (on the left, in case you can't tell) had 527,000km and was 20 years old. After one of the wheels fell off and passed James while he was driving on the highway a few weeks ago, we thought it was time to replace the old Jetta. The new Jetta is tied for 3rd for fuel efficiency on the highway in Canadian cars (behind the Toyota Prius and the Honda Civic Hybrid).

James saying goodbye to the old Jetta. The VW guys were pretty excited about the number of kms on it and thought they might keep it as a showpiece to show prospective customers how far these diesels can go.

We took our new car to visit M, S and baby T who are lucky enough to live right next to Kalamalka Provincial Park.

Kal Park also has some lovely mountain biking on (mostly) snow-free trails.

First mountain bike ride for the tadpole I'm growing, which is now 19 weeks old.


Holly said...

Congrats, Verena! Very exciting to hear about the tadpole!

Albinoblackbear said...

Great photos!! I didn't know that M & S had a baby! Wicked. =)

Thanks for posting first pics of the tadpole's burgeoning homestead. And congrats on the NEW SWEET RIDE!! Wow, that *is* amazing that former Jetta (RIP) had that many kms. Tobie has been talking about getting the same one you guys bought, I'll have to show him the pics.

Happy that James didn't have an accident when the wheel came off!!
