Now that it's March, I'm hoping to see out my windows sometime soon. Maybe even see some soil or grass. It's looking less and less likely what with the extra 50cms of snow we've had just this week. (Though I can't complain about the thigh-deep, face-shot, buttery turns I got at the fingers on Monday.)

Shovelstoke, running out of snow removal money.

Out the kitchen door on Monday morning.

Fresh tracks.

The back window.

The warming spell we had before our most recent snowfall melted a pool of water into the snowblower. The water then froze into about 6 inches of ice. With the help of Nevis and about 10 pots of boiling water, James managed to free the handy machine.

Cat track to the cat door.

Cat door and kitty terrain trap. So far there's been several snowblower triggered avalanches onto the cat door, but no naturals.