Friday, December 31, 2010

Young Santa Spotted

Went for a ski and stumbled into this bearded character. He proved to be mostly harmless...

... and capable of hucking pillows while still puffing!


Albinoblackbear said...

Great photos! Love the skiing avec pipe. Insanely jealous and wishing I was jumping on the mattress of fresh pow pow with ye!

(Though my inner emergency department voice still rises up, "But no helmet?? And if he fell he'd penetrate his soft palate with the pipe!" I need to get a life and never have children.)

Happy New Year guys!

P.S I was'll probably want to come back sometime to visit your peeps in which case we can FINALLY have our UK/Republic of Ireland get together! I'll probably be somewhere nice next year even, as opposed to a place where you lock the car doors at intersections.

Nature Nerd said...

I promise that no soft palates were penetrated during the making of this blog post.

simmers said...


this month is month whilst you're doing your oncology rotation you'll see the hazards with new worries!

Albinoblackbear said...

Hehehe, thanks for the disclaimer Vern. And yes, I think you're right Simmers. =)