A bunch of botany students managed to leave the gardens, herbarium and their computers and escape to the Scottish Higlands for a weekend.

And here's what happens when you go hiking with botanists... they stop at every bit of rock to look at mosses and lichens. Sheesh, bunch of nerds.

First lunch spot.

A bit of human curling.

Perched rock

Badger takes flight.

Looking up to Cruach Ardrain.

James and the Scottish Highlands.

Team Botany on top of Cruach Ardrain (plus one snow nerd).

Fry up: mushrooms, baked beans, tomatoes, black pudding...

...sausages, bacon and...


Silliness on top of Benmore.

Looking across to Stob Coire an Lochain.

Tom and Lizzie above the clouds.

Skiing down Benmore and back into the clouds.

A rather large avalanche that went to ground.

And finally, you know you've adapted to student life when you need a bungy to keep your car in 5th gear.