Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cozy Aird Cottage

We spent a week in a cottage near a tiny town called Badachro in the Highlands. Aird Cottage is somewhere down there, behind the island.

Aird Cottage

The village of Badachro.

We spent a lot of time hanging out next to the fire in the evenings. Our goals of knitting, dancing, playing games and making music were all achieved.

Food was five star and included wild venison and some locally harvested mussels.

Cottage garden.

Scotland got a rare snowfall near the end of our stay up there and more than two weeks later we still have snow in Edinburgh.

Sue, living it up.

1 comment:

grannypoppy said...

Next time I see you, I'll have to tell you about our adventures around Badachro and The Gairloch .... back in 1972!