Monday, January 26, 2009


Here's a fun project I made for a wee little girl named Eula Wren who was born on January 9th.
I got the pattern from It's a great way to use up bits of yarn and I loved the end product. I may have to make more of these little guys.


curmudgeonlybumbly said...

Socktapus rocks. Sock number 6 is my favorite.

gq said...

Salix looks kind of stunned. I guess all the socktopus love is overwhelming.

Albinoblackbear said...

I know that they are a lot of work...but I was wondering if I could put a request in for a socktapus. It would be a great reminder of Revey and you guys when I am feeling homesick a million miles away...Since I am leaving in May is that enough notice??