Saturday, October 4, 2008

La Mauricie National Park

Quebec's beautiful decidous forests.

One of the 120 lakes in La Mauricie.

Forges du St. Maurice National Historic site. Cast iron and iron were made here from 1730 to 1880.

The devil's fountain. Note that the water is on fire on the left.
This is where the devil's hand comes out of the ground every night.


curmudgeonlybumbly said...

Whoah! Cool. What is it? An underground coal fire? A natural gas bubble?

Those fall colours almost make me want to visit Ontario.

Nature Nerd said...

It's natural gas. I can't remember exactly what kind though.

The fall colours were outstanding. I wanted to stay and paddle some lakes for a week or two.

Albinoblackbear said...

It makes sense that the devil lives in Quebec...


P.S Great photos.