Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I love bobcats


We're ready for more snow. We did this last year as well and it is such a huge relief to have space to shovel snow once again and to be able to see out our windows.

Now we have REALLY big piles on the other side of our yard.

James fixing the Fetta Jetta when we still had snow. Note the sexy blue coveralls.

Salix enjoying the solid snow piles.


Albinoblackbear said...

Oh, did I forget to wish you a Happy Solstice? ahahha
How 'bout Happy Macho Spousal Equivalent?
Maybe you should do a James Calender doing manly things...Sept can be chopping wood, December fixing the car...I expect March to be some plumbing scene...renos in the summer months...

curmudgeonlybumbly said...

Whoa! For a second I thought the photo of James fixing the car was taken from the top of a really big pile of snow. Then I remembered there's a boat buried under there.

Hurray for winter light!

Anonymous said...

Hi Blasy;

wow, you're quite the photographer. Nice eye, good framing, all the right chops to be a regular Damsel Adams. Ha ha, that's an original joke by the way. Hope you're laughing.

Nice blog, seriously, I checked out the whole thing, and was only disappointed in the photos of me. I frown, I'm skinny like a matchstick, jeez I didn't realize I was so unphotogenic. Gotta work on that.

Keep up the naturenerding, it's so much better than cityslicking.

cheers, Patrick