Sunday, November 25, 2007

Groovey Things

Bow ties and Mittens - December 2002

Five years ago today James and I went down to wreck beach during a lunch break to share some cheesecake and enjoy the November sun. I had brought the cheesecake to school with the thought that it might be nice to share it with that cute boy doing his masters in avalanches. Meanwhile he had sent me an early-morning email entitled "Groovey Things" requesting a date. It's been five years of fun, adventures, music, good food, good beer and a lot of laughs. Groovey things indeed.


Anonymous said...

Back then when I was a professional snooker player she was still excited about receiving presents of dead things with tails wrapped up in hand-knitted woolly hats.

Albinoblackbear said...

Okay this post actually made me say "awwwww" out loud. You guys rock. And I've had your cheesecake, believe me, if we both had been single when you brought it over I would have tried to date you right then and there myself...
Here's to 75 more years of all those fun things you two share!
Happy Anniversary!!

Anonymous said...

you two inspire me!! and make me laugh too....