We headed west for two weeks of very mellow hiking and camping on the Olympic Peninsula. We got lucky and arrived the day before a very low, low tide. So we found a campground next to some tide pools and woke up 'early' (7am) do some nature nerding. Poking around in tide pools is always a good way to start a trip to the ocean.

This is the same island as above, only the next morning at low tide.

Barnacles, and a lone limpet.

A giant green anemone (
Anthopleura xanthogrammica).

Another giant green anemone, looking a little droopy out of the water, but sporting some cool stripes.

A bloodstar (
Henricia leviuscula).
Bright red, but apparently they don't actually have any blood and use filtered sea water instead.

Hairy chiton (
Mopalia ciliata), looking more leathery than hairy to me.

Another blood star with some purple urchins (
Srongylocentrotus purpuratus).

Orange sea cucumber (
Cucumaria miniata) with with its feeding tentacles out.

And a lovely sun set right from our campsite.