J and I headed south to one of our favourite Kootenay towns. One of the best parts about journeys south is the mellow highway, which includes the free ferry ride across Upper Arrow Lake. I always feel like I'm on the sunshine coast.

View looking south down Arrow Lakes.

The Jetta and I on the ferry. We were one of two cars.

We headed up to Whitewater for some pre-season turns. Yes, this is what the parking lot looks like before the hill is even open. Nelsonites sure love winter.

On the ridge, right before skiing down some untracked, fluffy powder. Like butter.

The weekend ended up being one of our best in a long time (and we've had a lot of great weekends). Catching up with old friends, meeting new friends, playing music, watching coffee get roasted at Oso Negro, numerous trips to Kootenay Co-op for delish food, new skis, good beer and great talks.

Patience, feeling at home in Nelson.

Nelson also happens to be home to the fantastic
Kootenay Animal Assistance Program (KAAP). They happened to have a few siamese-cross kittens down there. We sort of stumbled across one and he snuck into our car. (Ok, I've been eyeing up this litter of six gray cuties for several weeks now and watching their numbers dwindle as they all get adopted. We chose from the last three and his brother and sister also got adopted this weekend.)

This guy came with the name Bart Simpson, but we are looking to rename him. So far in the running: Whisky, Wilson, Slateford, Nevis or Moonbeam (he's from Nelson after all). Leave a comment if you have a name opinion.

Getting manic on the car ride.
(And check out the bit of a new ski in the background.)