Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Baby Robins

I discovered a bird nest on a corner of the Cozy Cabin this spring. It had 3 bright blue robin eggs in it and I've been watching their progress from egg to teenager. Here are some pics of them growing up.

May 28 - My first sighting of the babies, all pink and fuzzy.

May 30

June 1 - getting some feathers.

June 3 - It's getting crowded!

June 5 - There were only two birds in the nest when I went for a visit. Right after I took this picture one of the birds flew out of the nest, so I'm hoping the other robin has gone for an explore. I hope the bird I scared away can make it back to the nest - she's not flying super well yet. I don't dare go and check on the nest in case I scare the last one away. I think this might be the end of pestering these babies.

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